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Heinrich Elsigan AGB


Heinrich Georg Elsigan




Theresianumgasse 6/28, 1040 Wien








  1. Umfang der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen

    1. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unterliegen der EU-Grundrechte Charta und der Gewerbeordnung.

    2. Jede einzelne Leistungserbringung muss in einem neuen dafür vorgesehen Vertrag vereinbart werden, Ausnahmen gelten hierfür nur für 10 Stammkunden innerhalb der Europäischen Union und des Vereinigten Königreichs (UK).

    3. Weitergabe der Leistungen an dritte oder vervielfältigen der auftragsgefertigten Software des Unternehmens erfordern eine explizite Klausel in einem schriftlichen Vertrag, sofern sie per GPL (Gnu General Public License), Apache License oder einer anderen üblichen Open Software Lizenz lizenziert wurden.

    4. Der Unternehmer bevorzugt per se Open Source und die GPL und öffentliche GIT Source Verwaltung Repositories, einige seiner Kunden haben explizit bei Auftragserteilung auf © (Copy Right) und Closed Source bestanden.

    5. Sollten Bibliotheken. Funktionen, Text- und Bildelemente aus bestehender unter der GPL lizenzierten Software in ein neues Projekt unter einer nicht offenen Lizenz wiederverwendet werden oder aus anderen Projekten einer Open Source lizenzierten Quelle stammen, bleiben diese Komponenten natürlich weiterhin Open Source und müssen vertragsgemäß nach GNU General Public License verwendet und  bei Anfrage darüber Auskunft erteilt werden. Bei einem gerichtlichen Streitfall hat die Open Software Foundation und andere GNU Institutionen hier möglicherweise Rechtsansprüche.

  1. Spezielle Konditionen

    1. Da der Unternehmer seit 2008 an einer schizoaffektiven Störung leidet und dadurch partiell gehandicapt ist, bedarf es einer expliziten Vereinbarung, sollte die Leistungserbringung außerhalb der gewohnten Umgebung oder des Standorts Europa, bzw. Vereinigtes Königreich und beauftragt werden.

    2. Jegliche Ton- und Bildaufnahmen von der Arbeit des Unternehmers erfordern explizite notariell beglaubigte Verträge aufgrund des Handicaps des Unternehmers.

    3. Anwendung oder Installation von Filtern bei der elektronische Kommunikation (TCPIP z.B. http Filter) oder in das OS eingebaute Anzeigefilter, die ohne rechtliche schriftliche Verträge, mit Heinrich Elsigan Einzelunternehmer durch Dritte (Internet Service Provider oder Betriebssystem Hersteller) sind per se nicht erlaubt.

    4. Direkte Überwachung des Bildschirms, jeglicher anderer Ausgabegeräte, sowie der Tastatur, Maus und anderer Eingabegeräte während der Arbeit des Unternehmers durch Auftraggeber. Internationale Organisationen erfordern notariell beglaubigte Verträge.


Maturaschularbeit Deutsch (English completly refactored and updated)

(I wrote the to the same theme 30 years ago my german completion of school work [Abitur] an essay):

It was a lot of generic gossip, where the difference between humanism and existentialism was worked out somewhat, (best intention before acting versus only the result and consequences of thour actions) and from my point of view now, I really didn't understand anything at all, anything about the world, the economy, about the hierarchy of law, about international trade agreements, about mechatronic or IT, buit
But I felt fine and arrogant, because I was so TOP in school in technical science subjects, chemistry, and especially math. [I couldn't model a complex problem with the best mathematical model, no, I didn't even understand linear optimization (simplex) or differential equations.
I'am a left liberal democratic atheist, because of many expierences near or beyond death and a more complex understanding of the abstraction of the mind in correspondence with the brain in our bodies (with heart and lungs) and the spatial and temporal limitation of any existence.
I am a staunch European and a great advocate of the Charter of Human Rights, because nowhere in the world are human rights so respected by law as in Europe
However, I am a little sad that Europe is losing more and more of its economic strength to China, India and the USA, because without a strong modern economy a social fair welfare state isn't possible. Unfortunately, Europe gave up its technically and scientifically innovative lead years ago.
The biggest technical innovations of the Europeans within the last decades were in my opinion GSM ( and Linux (Linus Torvalds from Finland & Alan Cox from Wales)
Unfortunately there were only a few companies in Europe (SuSE in Germany and otherwise linux was mostly only used in the university sector.
In 2010, Torvalds became a United States citizen when getting a job offer from TRANSMETA. In the USA dozens of large corporations use Linux technology, IBM, RedHat, Amazon, Google (Android the most successful further development of Linux for smartphones). and many other BIG players in NASDAQ stock exchange.
If we now take a closer look at android smartphone OS (which is essentially based on GSM and Linux), then the software manufacturer Google is based in the USA, the big phone hardware companies like Samsung, Huawei, Google Pixel, Motorola are everywhere around the world, really everywhere except in Europe . Just two European groups Nokia (with a lot of financial capital aid from the giant Microsoft) and Alcatel (with a lot of support from an unspecified Chinese cooperation) have somehow survived in Europe on the technical course of time.
Don't understand me wrong, in Austria are a lot of good companies mostly within the Federation of Industrialists ( )
and they are still up to date due to the permanent further development of existing TOP products and expansion into new markets, but only further development and never the leap from totaly new innovation to international group succeeded. (We are still capable of new innovation even with economic future value and also to hold listed corporations well on the international markets, but Europeans have recently never managed to establish the proove of concept or prototype for an international product within a corporation).
The philosophy of USA and FED with low taxes, expansive monetary policy and stimulating labor markets, designed central bank policy and with enough freely available risk capital is unfortunately also unknown in Europe. (Perhaps a windy innovative inventor and innovator wanted to realize his idea here in a company too, but it failed because of enough free risk capital and legislation was much too regulative).
I'am stil in eternal spiritual love with my first three ex-girlfriends and the person I mostly trust is Bernhard Seiler, because he forgived me and so many people will never forgive me and a did nothing to them and the still hate me.
The male politician I admire the most is the former finance minister and industrialist Hannes Androsch (, because he's one of the few who argues for an economically strong and social position thanks to his vast know-how.
The female politician I admire the most is Hillary Clinton, because she campaigned for social and women's rights, killed the world's most dangerous terrorist for a long time without risiking American and NATO soldiers lifes somewhere far from home. Most of all, I adore Hillary Clinton because she forgave her husband Billclinton and stood by him and fought for him in the media like a lioness when she was emotionally hurt the most. Her good relationship with her pretty daughter Chelsea Clinton also lasts to this day.
I am now an middle aged more worn man marked by life, who prefers to look to the future positively rather than depressed, especially because for great Love and perspectives for his two sons. (my children).

The most needed reforms were, are and will still be education and pension reforms, because my children already got a bit know more economical and technical education, but the quality of basic public education is still not at the state of the art, where you as parent can be sure, that your kids have a solid natural science base and technical toolbox to not believe the crudest conspiration theories.


n-sphere hypermaps ⇒ cattle breeding

Have you ever noticed the advantage of real n-sphere hypermaps?


That is very sad, because with hypermaps thou would understand, recognize, realize immediately,

  1. that alpine pastures for cattles offer little crop yield for humans;
  2. that mordern technical agricultureof is nearly impossible in hilly and mountainous impassable areas with rocks and small swamps inside and only 2% continuous flat area per hectare.
  3. that cattle breeding in certain climatic alpine mountainous regions has much lower risk as Agricultureof with poor hervests in worse case.
  4. that cattles transforrm & recycle low-calorie vegetarian naural grown food much better than humans or hunter mammals with a short intestine.
  5. that chances of success for cattle and sheep breeding are similarly much higher as profitable modern agriculture at Scottish Highlands in the marsh, around rual areas beside Loch Ness, on Outer Hebrides and on small isles (Inishbofin, Claire Island) near the Irish north-west coast.


hard fact reality vs narrative story telling (playing) theater from the point of triggers


The meaning of triggers in this article according to information theory.

A trigger is an impulse that causes people or programmed machines to take certain actions after a message has been understood in both semantic and pragmatic context. Strong triggers include furthermore the feeling of high priority and generate a strong tendency to act, well as an awareness of the consequences of not acting now.

Some examples for triggers

  1. Weather is stormy and rainy (semantically and pragmatically understood) ⇒  
      (Trgger  (T)   
    ⇒  I have to open my umbrella

  2. Fire breaks out ⇒ 
      (Trgger  (T)   
    ⇒  Trigger fire alarm and call fire department

  3. FED is lowering prime interest rate from 2,25% to 0,5%. ⇒ 
      (Trgger  (T)   
     Let's get a cheap credut (loan) in US$ and 
    make classical leverage invest in Dow Jones & Nasdaq!

Detect hard fact reality vs story telling theater by observing behavior of trigger

When I was in the army long time ago, we learned several emergency commands / orders. One of that was 'AC-Alarm' (Atomic nuclear, biological or chemical are launched, so troops had to immediately Initiate protective suit and emergency measures)

Nobody was ever maling many funny jokes in that training, similiar to fire breaks out ⇒ fire alarm in the examples above. When observing the trigger behavior. everybody recognizes, that this is no playing game and a real dangerous situation. Same story, when people are infected with HIV (AIDS) Virus or (not so deadly) Malaria.

Well, when looking at the Coronavirus, triggers are too soft, negligently, inconsistent.
Remember all DioxinPlutoniumAnthrax incidents in the last 25 years, remember even Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. triggers were much more hard and serious, even when there was never danger for many people in all that cases.

According the media Coronavirus has already killed hundreds of thousands of alleged dead, but nobody's reacting or triggering heavy casualties for real. People are still playing that game, but nobody takes / triggers that Coronavirus real serious / grievous.


Semantic Internet: Trends, Facts, Futures, Verification

[Draft] [Concept] [Prototype]

Semantic Internet (former known as Semantic Web, see also RDF) has the possibility to record different semantic trends occurring at different sources with a certain frequency inside the in principle accessible to the public internet.
Day after day, month after month, semantic contexts are published on the Internet. area23 semantic web filters all semantic statements that occur with a certain frequency from different sources. Furthermore, not all trends and semantically significant events are more relevant for most semantic miners.

With area23 semantic web you can filter by region, topic categories, relevance from different sources and subsequent complexity.

A filter for a region can be set similiar to Google Trends, e.g. for United States or for Germany, etc.

Basic main categories are:

  • politics (Brexit, Sinn Féin, Thüringen, ...)
  • sports  (soccer, american football events, ...)
  • entertainement (music, cinema, tv, ...)
  • technology
  • business (stock markets, trading, bonds, central bank news, different economic indictors)
  • health
  • lifestyle (eating, drinking, other events)
  • housing (appartments, flat, hotel, camping / caravan sites, vacation rentals, accommodations, e.g.: Airbnb, Wimdu)
  • infrastructure (traffic reports, flights & airports occupancy, train connections, ships & ferries connections)
  • weather (including unexpected temperatures / weather effects, like ice, heavy rain, storm, dry periods plus enviroment disasters, like hurricanes, floodings, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions)
  • and many more
Once you created your filter enviroment, you can start collecting & recording semantic events.

After some time, collected semantic events will appear, e.g.: 'coronavirus'

In that example, 'coronavirus' the most common and reliable semantic logical statements are shown (extracted from different internet sites / ressources), e.g.: number of infections, behavior to stay healty, flights canceled to / from China, stock market risk for China in the next year.

Every statement extracted from the data pool that directly makes a statement or an assumption regarding matters other than the corona virus is now checked with other data sources as to whether the statement actually has a formal fuzzy truth content. So in that (our) example, the flight connections from and to China will be verified immediately as a result. Chinese economic data and the change behavior of futures in Hang Seng, which changed in the period since the outbreak of the coronavirus, will be checked too.

Warning, formally epistemologically an extracted statement is not necessarily true, even if 15 different articles from different countries in different languages in the web claim: "Corona virus has negative effects on the current Chinese fiscal year 2020." and if the outlook for futures in Hang Seng and the economic data have deteriorated in the same period.

to be continued...

Links about semantic web and similar topics:


EPU Personenbetreuer in Vorarlberg & weiter stark (aber nicht mehr wachsend)

Im Jahr 2014 befasste ich mich rein privater Natur mit dem Wachstum / Entwicklung / Überhitzung der veschiedenen Wirtschaftssektoren, Sparten, Branchen, Fachgruppen, Berufsgruppen und sonstige kurzfristingen Trends und langfristiger Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Arbeit und Wirtschaft anhand des ganz konkreten Beispiels der Berufsgruppe Selbstständige Personenbetreuer.

Ich verfasste folgenden sehr kurzen Artikel auf meinem Blog hier dann dazu. Der Grund für gerade diese Berufsgruppe für jene Fallstudie war nicht etwa ein sozialer Hintergrund (z.B. arme ausgebeutete Scheinselbstständige im untersten Einkommenssegement)  oder ein rassistisches Motiv (es handelt sich bei Mitgliederinnen dieser Berufsgruppe vornehmlich um weibliche der Volksgruppe der Slawen zugehörige osteuropäische EU-Bürgerinnen), sondern ganz simpel und einfach die Tatsache, dass es in Österreich aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklungen in diesem Marktbereich sehr leicht einschätzen lässt, welche Nachfrage es durch immer mehr pflegebedürftige Pensionistinnen gibt und gleichzeitig welcher  Angebotsbedarf an Personenberteuerinnen (Pool an Betreuerinnen) dazu sich korrespondieren entwickelt.

Bis Anfang Jänner 2019 stiegen Angebot und Nachfrage in der Pflegebetreuung relativ konstant an (eine immer größer wachsende Anzahl von Pfelgebedürftigen mit immer exklusiveren Bedürfnissen stand korrelierend ein stetig wachsendes Angebot an Pflegeleistungen und immer mehr Betreuerinnen gegenüber).
Im fortschreitenden Jahr 2019 stagnierte allerdings die Angebotsseite deutlich zum 1. Mal seit Jahren und es gab kein sichtbares signifikantes Wachstum bei der Anzahl der sich anbietenden Personenbetreuerinnen.

Seit Anfang 2020 schrumpfte bereits die Angebotsseite sichbar. (sprich eine signifikante geringere Anzahl an vorhandenen selbstständigen Personenbetreuerinnen offerierte eindeutig nicht mehr derart manngfaltige Liestungsangebote, sondern viel mehr ein günstiges Standard-All-In Paket / Dienstleistung).


Staatsschulden Deutschland

Laut Statistik der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich sind die Staatsschulden von Deutschland die letzten Jahre extrem gesunken (von 82% des BIP 2010 auf 56,8% des BIP 2020 approximiert).

Trading-Economics bestätigt diese Daten:

Auch die EZB Daten bestätigen dieses Bild:

Details für Feinspitze gibt es hier:

Alle unterschiedlichen Quellen bestätigen, dass Deutschland seine Staatsverschuldung in den letzten Jahren im Vergleich zur Wirtschaftsleistung (Brutto-InlandsProdukt) extrem reduzierte.
Ob Deutschland Investitionsbedarf im Bildungs- oder Infrastrukturbereich hat, kann ich nicht beurteilen, ich habe dazu leider keine Quelle.

Auf alle Fälle sitzt die Bundesbank immer noch auf einer beachtlichen Menge an (derzeit ungedeckten) Target Forderungen (Wer weiß schon was die Zukunft bringt)?


Meta grouping school modules & courses (working draft)

We want to learn more MINT module courses and kess dead languages at highschool & basic college [Draft, still in work]

  1. mathematics
    • basics
    • technically drawing geometry
    • spreadsheets & business calculation
    • logics
  2. languages
    • native or classroom/school language
    • mandatory english
    • optional foreign languages, e.g. french, spanish, german, chinese, ...
    • dead languages, e.g. latin, ancient greek
  3. geopolitics & economics
    • geography & earth science
    • local & foreign economics
    • local & foreign politics
  4. biochemistry
    • biology
    • environmental studies
    • dietetics
    • chemistry
  5. mechatronics
    • physics
    • IT OS user level & simple programming
    • electronics
    • mechanical engineering
    • combined mechatronics with LEGO mindstorms
  6. culture & aesthetics
    • history
    • music
    • art
    • aesthetics
  7. ethics
    • theory: religious & ideology studies, later psychology & philosophy
    • practice: solving religious, ideologically, gender or special needs problems, group dynamics, NLP, choice & option role games
  8. sports
    • basics [athletics. fitness & stamina training]
    • ball games [soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, hardball, rugby, ...]
    • creative [impulse dance, monkey & pirate gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling]
    • outdoor & elements [swimming, skating, ice-skating, cycling, climbing, military, horse riding, sports with dogs]
      please notice, that military, horses and hounds is only a final joke. please take not all 100% seriously, but try to understand the message


Geopolitics & Economics


Instead of physics, IT and additional electronics, I would try to introduce a much more practical mechatronic light little bit more light weight module already in school by introducing something like Lego mindstorms: Children and young people can so easy learn, how to combine mechanics construction, electronics and IT programming with quick and boombastic results.

Culture & Aesthetics


I would dump all religious courses in school and provide instead a mandatory ethic coursed for all children. Basic knowledge part of that course should include most important religions, ideologies (like socialism, democratic and totalitarian ideologies, imperialism, love movement of 68, deep state ethics, feminism and so on). At college level, we might include philosophy here too. 
Practial part should help to resolve cultural, gender, religious or any other ideologically based conflicts by playing role plays, visiting conflict areas in country, etc.

Strong religious believers could offer their childs excellent private courses during their free time, if they want. But mission in school is different, religion should be more in private and family / community space than in public education. (There are certain expensive private religious schools too, everyone is free to take that choice).


Debt mystery of Luxembourg

All informations according to

In year 2017 GDP of Luxembourg amounted to 62,40 billion US$ (62.400.000.000 US$).
In year 2011 GDP of Luxembourg amounted to exactly 62 billion US$ ( US$).

In year 2017 private sector debt of Luxembourg was 474,84% of GDP
62,4 * 4,4784 = 296,30016 billon US$ (296.300.160.000 US$)
In year 2011 private debt to GDP of Luxembourg was 407,9% of GDP.
62 * 4,079 = 252,898 billion US$ (252.898.000.000 US$)

In year 2017 public sector debt of Luxembourg was 23% of GDP.
62,40 * 0,23 = 14,352 billion US$ (14.352.000.000 US$).
In year 2011 public sector debt of Luxembourg was 18,8% of GDP.
62,40 * 0,188 = 11,7312 billion US$ (11.731.200.000 US$).

in year 2017 public & private sector debt of Luxembourg amounted to 310,65216 billion US$ (310.652.160.000 US$).
In year 2011 public & private sector debt of Luxembourg amounted to 264,6292 billion US$ (264.629.200.000 US$).

In year 2017 population of Luxembourg was 590.000 citizen (habitants).
In year 2011 population of Luxembourg was 510.000 citizen (habitants).

in year 2017 public + private debt per citizen amounted to 526.529,08 US$. (= 468.171,23 €)
In year 2011 public + private debt per citizen amounted to 518.880,78 US$. (= 461.370,63 €)
Private & public sector debt per citizen in Luxembourg amounts approximately to ½ million US$ (constantly between 2010 - 2018)
Quiet a very high amount per citizen, but dear Hans-Werner Sinn, how do you calculated in 2011 1,9 billion € (maybe trillion, cause german word Billionen means english trillion) of public sector + banking debt per citizen in Luxembourg?

Hans Werner Sinn debt calculation differs to tradingeconomics calculation by 380.000%. (That's really quiet a huge difference, in best case, when he meaned trillion it's another factor 1.000 => 380.000.000%)  

Debt comparsion with other countries in year 2017


Germany pub. + priv. 211,5% debt of 3.677,44 billion US$ GDP
7.777,7856 billion US$ = 7.777.785,6 million US$ total debt in Germany.
7.777.785,6 million US$ / 82,52 million citizen = 94.276 US$.
83.827 € total debt per german citizen.


Austria pub. + priv. 241,6% debt of 416,60 billion US$ GDP
1.006,5056 billion US$ = 1.006.505,6 million US$ total debt in Austria.
1.006.505,6 million US$ / 8,77 million austrian citizen = 115.690,30 US$
102.868 € debt per austrian citizen.
Austria gdp per capita = 49.129,23 US$
Austria gdp per capita ppp = 45.436,69 US$
Austria gdp per citizen = 47.340,90 US$
Austria gdp per gainfully employed (4,2605 million 82,78% in private sector, 17,21% in public sector) = 97.782 US$ (= 86.944,33 €)
Average income of employed in Austria is (45.345€ labor costs for company) 32.267€ before taxes, 22.640€ after taxes per year (2017).
How gdp per capita ppp is calculated? Are only working people included or retired people too?


Japan pub. + priv. 483% debt of 4.872,14 billion US$ GDP
23.532,4362 billion US$ = 23.532.436,2 million US$ total debt in Japan.
23.532.436,2 million US$ / 126,7 million japanese citizen = 185.734 US$.
20.787.295¥ debt per japanese citizen

United States

United States pub. + priv. 358,4% debt of 19.390,60 billion US$ GDP
69.495,9104 billion US$ = 69.495.910,4 million US$ total debt in United States.
69.495.910,4 million US$ / 325,7 million american citizen = 213.374 US$.
213.374 US$ debt per american citizen


pub. + priv. 296% debt of 678,89 billion US$ GDP
2.009,5144 billion US$ = 2.009.514,4 million US$ total debt in Switzerland.
2.009.514,4 million US$ / 8,5 million swiss citizen = 236.413,46 US$.
 236.413,46 US$ debt per swiss citizen


Ireland pub. + priv. 450,27% debt of 333,73 billion US$ GDP
1.502,686071 billion US$ = 1.502.686,071 million US$ total debt in Ireland.
1.502.686,071 million US$ / 4,8 million irish citizen = 313.060 US$.
278.362 € debt per irish citizen

When looking at GDP per capita, we see that GDP calculaton is often a very big bullshit.
According to tradingeconomics an irish citizen yields almost twice the GDP per capita performance of average japanese citizen. Japan is an industrial export country with at huge positive balance of trade and current account, while Ireland's current account is tiny positive cause of tourism and US tech giants IT cloud services (like amazon cloud Ireland or Microsoft IT departments). Prices in Ireland are very high compared to the rest of euro-area. But blowing up GDP, by increasing prices is a very evil GDP magick in my point view (Really, really)! (And yes, high prices in Ireland are one reason for that "greater" GDP per capita, but that's not the only reason of this GDP distortion). On the other side, Germany artificially shrinks his GDP (according to all other macroeconomic indicators of Germany).