- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


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AWS CodePipeline for android Github project

A short summary, how to create an amazon code pipeline and build project by using an android java github as source repository. (inspired by j-a.f)

I have choosen my github schnapslet project android subtree for trial.

Login into amazon webservices console

Click on "Create pipeline"

Choose pipeline settings

Enter a "Pipeline name" and a service role for your new pipeline here. Click "Next".

Choose source provider

Choose Gitub, authorize with your github credentials or choose a public github project, choose repositoty, choose branch, then click "Next".

Add build stage

Choose AWS CodeBuild and click on "Create project".

Create build project

In section "Project" configuration fill out "Project name" (Description - optional).

In section "Environment", I choosed the simplest way with "Managed image" as environment image, "Ubuntu" as operating system, "Android" as runtime, "aws/codebuild/android-java-8:26.1.1" as runtime version, default new service role.

In subsection "Additional configuration", you can enable a VPC on your virtual Ubuntu build server, e.g. if you want to login with ssh; you can select various performance features here, like "15 GB memory, 8 vCPUs" for your build server, you can set manually environment variables here and so on. We didn't need that here for only a simple proof of concepts.

In section "Buildspec" I choosed "Insert build commands", then switched to source editor and edited the following buildspec.yaml:
version: 0.2
  #install: #commands: # - command
  #pre_build: #commands: # - command
     - sudo chmod 755 $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/android/Schnapslet/gradlew
     - $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/android/Schnapslet/gradlew init -i
     - $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/android/Schnapslet/gradlew build -i
     - $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/android/Schnapslet/gradlew build --build-file $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR/android/Schnapslet/app/build.gradle -i
#post_build: #commands: # - command
#artifacts: #files: # - location
#cache: #paths: # - paths

Finally click "Continue to CodePipeline".

Now click "Next", when you are back again on "Add build stage" site.

Add deploy stage

I skipped that option for that proof of concept.


Rewiew "Pipeline settings", "Add source stage", "Add build stage", "Add deploy stage" here and finally click "Create pipeline".

Release change

Finally "Release change".

You can configure your "Build project" seperatly now here:
e.g. if you want to change your buildspec.yaml or view different build logs.


Html-Sql-Injection Detection

A very simple prototype of html injection detection in MS SQLServer, please notice, that real detection is much more complex...

If Exists(Select Top 1 object_id From tempdb.sys.tables Where name = '##InjWatch')
Delete From ##InjWatch
Create Table ##InjWatch ( ctext nvarchar(Max), tab varchar(768), col varchar(768)

Declare InjectCursor Cursor FAST_FORWARD READ_ONLY For 
  Select 'Cast([' + + '] as nvarchar(max))' as c_cast, as c_name, '' + + '.[' + ']' as sT_name
  From sys.tables T
  Inner Join sys.columns c
    On  c.object_id = T.object_id
    and c.max_length > 16 and c.system_type_id In (Select system_type_id From sys.types Where name In('varchar', 'nvarchar''char''nchar''text''ntext'))
  Inner Join sys.schemas s
    On s.schema_id = T.schema_id

Declare @c_cast varchar(1024), @c_name varchar(768), @sT_name varchar(768)
Open InjectCursor
Fetch Next From InjectCursor Into @c_cast, @c_name, @sT_name

  Declare @execSQL nvarchar(max)
  Set @execSQL = 'insert into ##InjWatch (ctext, tab, col) '+
    'select ' + @c_cast + ' as ctext, ''' + @sT_name + ''' as tab, ''' + @c_name + ''' as col ' +
    ' from ' + @sT_name + ' with (nolock) ' +
    ' where (' + @c_cast + ' like ''%<%'' and ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%>%'') ' +
    ' or ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%script:%'' or ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%://%''' +
    ' or ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%href%'' or ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%return %''' +
    ' or ' + @c_cast + ' like ''%mailto:%'''
  Execute sp_executesql @execSQL;
  Fetch Next From InjectCursor Into @c_cast, @c_name, @sT_name
Close InjectCursor
Deallocate InjectCursor

Select Distinct * From ##InjWatch


Generate WSDL on the fly, with CodeDom instead WSDL:EXE

Generate WSDL on the fly, with CodeDom instead WSDL:EXE


var wsdlDescription = ServiceDescription.Read(YourWSDLFile);
var wsdlImporter = new ServiceDescriptionImporter();
wsdlImporter.ProtocolName = "Soap12"; //Might differ
wsdlImporter.AddServiceDescription(wsdlDescription, null, null);
wsdlImporter.Style = ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Server;
wsdlImporter.CodeGenerationOptions = System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties;
var codeNamespace = new CodeNamespace();
var codeUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();
var importWarning = wsdlImporter.Import(codeNamespace, codeUnit);
if (importWarning == 0) {
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var stringWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder);
var codeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("Vb");
codeProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(codeUnit, stringWriter, new CodeGeneratorOptions());
File.WriteAllText(WhereYouWantYourClass, stringBuilder.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8);

} else {




Dim SoapClient As MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30
Dim XMLDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Dim vCol As Collection
Dim abc As Variant

Set SoapClient = New MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30

Set XMLDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument40
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True

SoapClient.MSSoapInit(" dl",
"CurveWebServiceService", "CurveWebService")

SoapClient.ConnectorProperty("Timeout") = 30000
SoapClient.ConnectorProperty("UseSSL") = 0

abc = SoapClient.getCurve("EMGLN", "YC_EUR_LIBOR", "GDAXML")

XMLDoc.validateOnParse = False
XMLDoc.LoadXml abc


Was macht die Schweiz besser als Österreich?

1. Die Schweiz hat einen funktionierenden Föderalismus und Österreich nicht.
(In Österreich nimmt der Bund ein und die Länder geben aus.)

2. Die Schweiz hat ein nachhaltig finanzierbares Rentensystem und Österreich nicht, siehe:
In der Schweiz liegt dies für Frauen bei 64 Jahren und für Männer bei 65 Jahren.
(In Österreich liegt das Rentenantrittsalter für Frauen bei 60 Jahren und es wird erst ab dem Jahr 2024 schrittweise angehoben.)

3. Die Schweiz hat 3% Arbeitslosigkeit und Österreich 7,6%.

4. Die Schweiz hat 32,6% Staatsschulden in % des BIP und Österreich 84,6%.

5. Die Schweiz  verteilt 33,6% des BIPs um
und Österreich 51% des BIPs.

Also ⅓ der Leistung aller Schweizer wird an Arme und Bedürftige umverteilt und für Bildung, Infrastruktur, Gesundheit, Verwaltung, Heer, Polizei, Gerichte,  u.s.w. ausgegeben und in Österreich ist es mehr als die Hälfte der Leistung aller Österreicher. Ich halte Staatsquoten jenseits der 50% für eher problematisch. (Optimal ist die Staatsquote meiner Meinung nach zwischen 30% - 48% je nach Struktur des Staates, darunter wird es eher anti-sozial und darüber ist die Last für die Leister zu hoch.)
Nun ist es aber so, dass Heer, Polizei, Bildung, Gesundheit in der Schweiz nicht unbedingt schlechter sind (vermutlich sogar besser sind) als in Österreich.
(Anmerkung: Das Heer und die Polizei werden in Österreich aber auch nicht wirklich sehr stark subventioniert.)

6. Beim Pisa-Test im Bereich Bildung schneiden die Schweizerinnen auch besser ab als Österreicherinnen, besonders in Mathematik:

7. Obwohl die Steuern und Abgaben in der Schweiz viel niedriger sind als in Österreich und die Firmen mit dem gleichen Brutto Budget mehr Arbeiter einstellen können aufgrund der niederen Steuern und Abgaben, gibt es in der Schweiz weniger manifeste Armut als in Österreich. (Klingt komisch, ist aber so.)

Die Schweiz ist extrem neoliberal föderalistisch friedliebend, aber ist das wirklich so das schlechteste für ein kleines Alpenland?

Tja, die Babyboomer gehen sicher in 5-15 Jahren sowohl in Österreich als auch in der Schweiz so ziemlich sicher in Rente, nur die Schweiz ist für dieses sehr vorhersehbare Ereignis sehr gut gerüstet, Österreich leider weniger. (Not my cup of tea anymore).
Quelle: CIA


macroeconomics indicators of Poland

Macroeconomics indicators of Poland are looking quiet OK compared to southern european countries!

government debt under Maastricht criteria

Poland recorded a government debt equivalent to 54.40 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2016. Government Debt to GDP in Poland averaged 46.47 percent from 1995 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 55.70 percent in 2013 and a record low of 36.50 percent in 2000.

GDP per capita looks healthy

The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Poland was last recorded at 26003.01 US dollars in 2016, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in Poland, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 146 percent of the world's average.

Current Account could be a little bit better, but is mostly balanced now

Poland succeeded to lower unemployment rate since 2008 very well
Main stock index the Warsaw Stock Exchange WIG is performing very well over the last 4 years, since other european stock indices were in trouble during the same time.

Polish zloty has approximately same value as turkish lira

At least demographics of Poland (Population age pyramid) could be better and is not so balanced,


macroeconomics indicators of Norway

Macroeconomics indicators of Norway are looking very good compared to it's neighbors! 

Very low debts
Norway recorded a government debt equivalent to 35.60 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2016.
GDP per capita looks healthy
The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Norway was last recorded at 64272.16 US dollars in 2015, when adjusted by purchasing power parity (PPP). The GDP per Capita, in Norway, when adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity is equivalent to 362 percent of the world's average.
Current Account and Balance of Trade generate quiet good surplus 
Norway recorded a Current Account surplus of 4.90 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2016. Current Account to GDP in Norway averaged 6.85 percent from 1980 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 16.20 percent in 2005 and a record low of -6.10 percent in 1986.

Unemployment rate is as low as US (much lower as euro-zone average with 9.2%)
Norway's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate edged up to 4.6 percent in the three months to May 2017 from 4.3 percent in the December-February period and above market expectations of 4.4 percent.

Main stock index the Oslo Børs All Share Index (OSEAX) is performing very well over the last 4 years, since other european stock indices were in trouble during the same time.
 Yahoo Finance;
Last but not least, demographics of Norway (Population age pyramid) are looking better than many other european countries (e.g. Germany).