- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


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How to install LineageOS on Alcatel1 (5033D)

0. Attention: You can destroy or brick your phone totally, if something went wrong.
Unless you don't exactly know all fundamentals about android adb, fastboot, boot process and slot A/B, please don't do this:

1. install adb and fastboot on your linux or windows system

2. Enable developer options by clicking 5x times on build number in system settings

3. enable USB debugging and unlock OEM in developer options and debugging options after you became a developer

4. follow now the instructions here to unlock your phone:

5. Download LineageOS either from:

5.1 Andy Yan's personal builds, e.g.: LineageOS16 OR

5.2 github phhusson    OR

5.3 My Google Drive (You can find all diskdump images directly here)

6. connect your Alcatel1 to your PC

7. now use "adb devices -l" to see, if android Alcatel1 is present 

7.1 if you use Andy Yan's personal builds or phhusson github, then "adb reboot recovery"
      Wait until recovery mode is ready, then

  • Wipe cache first
  • Wipe data / factory reset next
  • enable adb next
  • load image from adb
  • Under Windows or Linux type "adb sideload lineage-1*.img" 
7.2 if you are using my img files from diskdump folder, you can
  • modify the images by mounting them with 'mount -o loop path2image/file.img /mnt' under linux
  • now you can modify e.g. the loopback mounted system.img for your own purpose.
  • flush, sync and then 'mount -o remount,ro  /mnt
  • look if all modifications are done well and then 'umount  /mnt
  • now use adb shell to reboot to bootloader by "adb reboot bootloader"
  • yet use "fastboot flash system path2image/system.img


Draft: Idea a multiple device dark net (.onion) cloud

 We've Azure Cloud with microservices, we have amazon cloud, with finest virtualization, but both are companies under patriot act and safe habor agreement. Some months / years ago, there where a lot of tor (dark net) bridges and endpoints in both of those clouds, but if the stock owners decide to prevent TOR in future, you're totally pissed on and you have no legal ability against that.

So lets build a onion scalable cloud, that uses each device with less CPU load and some SSD or similiar fast disk, to build a docker / virtual machine dark net cloud.

Some onion router urls

DuckDuckGo https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/


Dark Web ;Magazine

The hidden wiki http://rhw7r43c2id7org7d35jj5r4mu377npfed23qgic2qr2tvh743lgohid.onion/^

New York Times https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/

CIA http://ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion/

Hidden Forum http://hiddenuip5qlthdkbeqrpcfja4k5qr5urordvm4sm3gnz6wcy7yo5qqd.onion/forum

Comic Book Library http://nv3x2jozywh63fkohn5mwp2d73vasusjixn3im3ueof52fmbjsigw6ad.onion/


Heinrich Elsigan AGB


Heinrich Georg Elsigan




Theresianumgasse 6/28, 1040 Wien








  1. Umfang der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen

    1. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unterliegen der EU-Grundrechte Charta und der Gewerbeordnung.

    2. Jede einzelne Leistungserbringung muss in einem neuen dafür vorgesehen Vertrag vereinbart werden, Ausnahmen gelten hierfür nur für 10 Stammkunden innerhalb der Europäischen Union und des Vereinigten Königreichs (UK).

    3. Weitergabe der Leistungen an dritte oder vervielfältigen der auftragsgefertigten Software des Unternehmens erfordern eine explizite Klausel in einem schriftlichen Vertrag, sofern sie per GPL (Gnu General Public License), Apache License oder einer anderen üblichen Open Software Lizenz lizenziert wurden.

    4. Der Unternehmer bevorzugt per se Open Source und die GPL und öffentliche GIT Source Verwaltung Repositories, einige seiner Kunden haben explizit bei Auftragserteilung auf © (Copy Right) und Closed Source bestanden.

    5. Sollten Bibliotheken. Funktionen, Text- und Bildelemente aus bestehender unter der GPL lizenzierten Software in ein neues Projekt unter einer nicht offenen Lizenz wiederverwendet werden oder aus anderen Projekten einer Open Source lizenzierten Quelle stammen, bleiben diese Komponenten natürlich weiterhin Open Source und müssen vertragsgemäß nach GNU General Public License verwendet und  bei Anfrage darüber Auskunft erteilt werden. Bei einem gerichtlichen Streitfall hat die Open Software Foundation und andere GNU Institutionen hier möglicherweise Rechtsansprüche.

  1. Spezielle Konditionen

    1. Da der Unternehmer seit 2008 an einer schizoaffektiven Störung leidet und dadurch partiell gehandicapt ist, bedarf es einer expliziten Vereinbarung, sollte die Leistungserbringung außerhalb der gewohnten Umgebung oder des Standorts Europa, bzw. Vereinigtes Königreich und beauftragt werden.

    2. Jegliche Ton- und Bildaufnahmen von der Arbeit des Unternehmers erfordern explizite notariell beglaubigte Verträge aufgrund des Handicaps des Unternehmers.

    3. Anwendung oder Installation von Filtern bei der elektronische Kommunikation (TCPIP z.B. http Filter) oder in das OS eingebaute Anzeigefilter, die ohne rechtliche schriftliche Verträge, mit Heinrich Elsigan Einzelunternehmer durch Dritte (Internet Service Provider oder Betriebssystem Hersteller) sind per se nicht erlaubt.

    4. Direkte Überwachung des Bildschirms, jeglicher anderer Ausgabegeräte, sowie der Tastatur, Maus und anderer Eingabegeräte während der Arbeit des Unternehmers durch Auftraggeber. Internationale Organisationen erfordern notariell beglaubigte Verträge.


Maturaschularbeit Deutsch (English completly refactored and updated)

(I wrote the to the same theme 30 years ago my german completion of school work [Abitur] an essay):

It was a lot of generic gossip, where the difference between humanism and existentialism was worked out somewhat, (best intention before acting versus only the result and consequences of thour actions) and from my point of view now, I really didn't understand anything at all, anything about the world, the economy, about the hierarchy of law, about international trade agreements, about mechatronic or IT, buit
But I felt fine and arrogant, because I was so TOP in school in technical science subjects, chemistry, and especially math. [I couldn't model a complex problem with the best mathematical model, no, I didn't even understand linear optimization (simplex) or differential equations.
I'am a left liberal democratic atheist, because of many expierences near or beyond death and a more complex understanding of the abstraction of the mind in correspondence with the brain in our bodies (with heart and lungs) and the spatial and temporal limitation of any existence.
I am a staunch European and a great advocate of the Charter of Human Rights, because nowhere in the world are human rights so respected by law as in Europe
However, I am a little sad that Europe is losing more and more of its economic strength to China, India and the USA, because without a strong modern economy a social fair welfare state isn't possible. Unfortunately, Europe gave up its technically and scientifically innovative lead years ago.
The biggest technical innovations of the Europeans within the last decades were in my opinion GSM ( and Linux (Linus Torvalds from Finland & Alan Cox from Wales)
Unfortunately there were only a few companies in Europe (SuSE in Germany and otherwise linux was mostly only used in the university sector.
In 2010, Torvalds became a United States citizen when getting a job offer from TRANSMETA. In the USA dozens of large corporations use Linux technology, IBM, RedHat, Amazon, Google (Android the most successful further development of Linux for smartphones). and many other BIG players in NASDAQ stock exchange.
If we now take a closer look at android smartphone OS (which is essentially based on GSM and Linux), then the software manufacturer Google is based in the USA, the big phone hardware companies like Samsung, Huawei, Google Pixel, Motorola are everywhere around the world, really everywhere except in Europe . Just two European groups Nokia (with a lot of financial capital aid from the giant Microsoft) and Alcatel (with a lot of support from an unspecified Chinese cooperation) have somehow survived in Europe on the technical course of time.
Don't understand me wrong, in Austria are a lot of good companies mostly within the Federation of Industrialists ( )
and they are still up to date due to the permanent further development of existing TOP products and expansion into new markets, but only further development and never the leap from totaly new innovation to international group succeeded. (We are still capable of new innovation even with economic future value and also to hold listed corporations well on the international markets, but Europeans have recently never managed to establish the proove of concept or prototype for an international product within a corporation).
The philosophy of USA and FED with low taxes, expansive monetary policy and stimulating labor markets, designed central bank policy and with enough freely available risk capital is unfortunately also unknown in Europe. (Perhaps a windy innovative inventor and innovator wanted to realize his idea here in a company too, but it failed because of enough free risk capital and legislation was much too regulative).
I'am stil in eternal spiritual love with my first three ex-girlfriends and the person I mostly trust is Bernhard Seiler, because he forgived me and so many people will never forgive me and a did nothing to them and the still hate me.
The male politician I admire the most is the former finance minister and industrialist Hannes Androsch (, because he's one of the few who argues for an economically strong and social position thanks to his vast know-how.
The female politician I admire the most is Hillary Clinton, because she campaigned for social and women's rights, killed the world's most dangerous terrorist for a long time without risiking American and NATO soldiers lifes somewhere far from home. Most of all, I adore Hillary Clinton because she forgave her husband Billclinton and stood by him and fought for him in the media like a lioness when she was emotionally hurt the most. Her good relationship with her pretty daughter Chelsea Clinton also lasts to this day.
I am now an middle aged more worn man marked by life, who prefers to look to the future positively rather than depressed, especially because for great Love and perspectives for his two sons. (my children).

The most needed reforms were, are and will still be education and pension reforms, because my children already got a bit know more economical and technical education, but the quality of basic public education is still not at the state of the art, where you as parent can be sure, that your kids have a solid natural science base and technical toolbox to not believe the crudest conspiration theories.


Dysphotic Future with failing Anti-Terror AI

In a dysphotic future, there will exist an AI, who monitors all public, privat and even dark net communication and discussion bords and if the AI detects and emotional HATE-SPEACH or VERY DESTRUCTIVE post, then it automatically creates a news story about a crime (e.g. terrorist attack or assault, slaughter, rape), where the victim is a virtual person baseed an designed on the victim, who was blamed in the discussion board. The perpetrator is portrayed similarly to the person who posted / wrote the hate speech in the discussion forum.

The problem with this is that in this future there are regular articles about terrorist attacks and also a lot of rapes, e.g. if a man with women's problems expresses himself indulgently in a gamer forum.

Originally the purpose was to see emotionally unstable people for the ultimate dire consequence of their actions, but with this deluge of gruesome articles more and more dulled people and overlooked the warning signs of real crime.

[Das Problem dabei ist, dass es regelmäßig in dieser Zukunft, Artikel über Terroranschläge gibt und auch viele Vergewaltigungen, wenn z.B. ein Mann mit Frauenproblemen sich ablassend in einem Gamer Forum äußert.

Ursprünglich war der Zweck, emotional instabilen Menschen die letztmögliche schrecklichste Konsequenz ihres Handeln zu veranschauen, aber durch diese Flut an grausamen Artikeln stumpfen die Menschen immer mehr ab und übersehen die Warnsignale für echte Verbrechen.]


Frage zum musikalischen Urheberrecht

Angenommen, ich nehme all den Klassikvorrat, der nicht unter das Urheberrecht fällt her (z.B. Kirchentonarten, alle Klassiker vor 1900 der Moderne, wie Bach, Mozart, ...) und nehme die minmal schützbare Tonfolgen als Samples Baukasten.
Was ist die Menge an Musik, die ich mit diesen Samples Baukasten durch Kombinatorik (theorethisch) erzeugen kann?
(Ich meine, welche Musik lässt sich theorethisch mit diesen Samples als Basis etzeugen).
Keine Sorge, es bleibt den neuen Urhebern genügend Material, weil alle Musik, die nicht auf dem klassischen Notensystem oder Pentatonik basiert (wie 5/9 oder 17/33 oder sonstiger Bruch 2er hoher Primzahlen Tonschritte) lässt sich damit sicher nicht abbilden.

Suppose I take all the classical music compositions, that aren't subject of copyright (e.g. church modes, all modern classics before 1900, such as Bach, Mozart, ...) and use the minimum protectable tone sequences as a sample construction kit.

What is the amount of music that I can (theoretically) generate with these sample modules through combinatorics?
(I mean, what amount of music can theoretically be created with these samples as a basis). 

Don't worry, there is enough material left for new composers, that want to produce under copyright, because all music that is not based on the classical notation system or pentatonic scale (such as 5/9 or 17/33 or other fractions of high prime numbers) cannot be reproduced with it.

Supposons que je prenne tout le stock de musique classique qui n'est pas soumis au droit d'auteur (par exemple, les modes d'église, tous les classiques modernes avant 1900, tels que Bach, Mozart, ...) et que j'utilise les séquences de sons minimales pouvant être protégées comme un exemple de kit de construction.
Quelle est la quantité de musique que je peux générer (théoriquement) avec cet exemple de kit de construction utilisant la combinatoire?
(Je veux dire, quelle musique peut théoriquement être créée avec ces échantillons comme base). Ne vous inquiétez pas, il reste assez de matière pour les nouveaux auteurs, car toute musique qui n'est pas basée sur le système de notation classique ou l'échelle pentatonique (comme 5/9 ou 17/33 ou d'autres fractions de nombres premiers élevés) ne peut pas être reproduit avec.


Semantic web lost in history / herstory around 2010, how to reactivate it & a short contract use case

Current hypes, trends and pushed business models at 2020

Let's take a short look at the current hypes, trends and pushed business models for companies:

  1. IOT (Internet of things), Industry 4.0
    Machines, units, etc. know and probably send their own status at manufacturer, service center, at home or somewhere else over the rainbow (in case of  ugly DNS injection, warped rouing tables [OSPF, BGP] ot men in the middle [squid bump, bluecoat, ...]).
    Those units normally,communicate when they need maintenance, when components soon needs to be replaced, when physical, technical or environmental critical limit reached, when subsystems fail or completley shut down, when the user when the customer operates it improperly or negligently, simply report in intervals that they are alive and everything's OK, , etc

    We can find a lot of use cases for many useful applications here, added value / surplus is often small but still useful! Problems with security, flood of data, extracting relevant events and, above all, reacting to the corresponding message are the challenges here.

  2. Cloud
    I like the cloud, but sometimes cloud feels cloudy, cloudier, obscure dust and smog over keywords and hypes and real hard technical features that generate great customer surplius and real cash or quality of business benefits.

    What are the most common problems, pitfalls and misunderstandigs with any cloud?

    • Lack of specific customer requirements and inaccurate, exact technical specifications from the cloud provider.

      Practical example (what I really need and I'm thinking about right now):
      I need to implement a state service, that saves current game status of small multiplatform games (e.g. card game schnapsenarchon clone, SUPU) in the cloud. If I play on my  android tablet or smartphone, the current state and course of the game will be transfered to a cloud servie, persisted in a cloud storage or database and if I continue playing on Windows desktop, the last state of the game is automatically fetched from the cloud and the game application sets that game state and transferred back to cloud after the next move.

      For my purposes the cheapest way will be sufficient:
      A simple Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume, Type t2.nano, t2.micro or t2.nano with a simple SQL-Database (no matter if hackish install at virtual imaage or the smallest Amazon DB instance) with somekind of open source PHP Swagger API, like

      With similar requirements, some developers and most managers are probably unsure whether to use Amazon ElasticCache or some kind of Session State Server ported to Azure SQL  or entirely another not well known cloud service.

      Even fewer people (including myself) know what the exact technical limits of the individual services are, e.g. the exact performance and scalable elasticity of Anazon Elastic Cache and when scalability of Amazon Elastic Cache is completely irrelevant, since the network traffic and the network data volume will always be the bottle neck in that specific scenario.

    • Nice advertising slogan, but poor performance and poorly configurable options from drive and storage providers, no standard network mount (like SMB or NFS), but a lot of cloudy magic.
      When I look at the beautiful Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive, I immediately see that this is not a classic network file system mount under my point of understanding.
      Reading and writing large blocks or deep recursively nested directory trees is extremely slow.
      I also didn't find an option to have an incremental version history backup created after every change (Create, Delete, Change) to the Cloud Drive or at least simply midnight-generated backups for the last 3 months at low cost.
      Options like synchronizing parts of the Cloud Drive locally create horror nightmares.
      In 1997 we booted an NFS from the USA via Etherboot with real-time DOS and debugged faster Doom Clones and other 3D games in C ++ with some ASM routines and the network performance didn't fail.

    • Difficulty finding the most suitable service in Cloud Djungel. Real technical comparisons between the hard facts and the possibilities of the individual cloud services have so far mainly published by free bloggers, e.g. AWS Lambda vs Azure Service Fabric
      Decisions are more based on creeds (we have a lot of .NET developers, so we'll use Azure, I mah strong Amazon-like power women and Linux, so I'll use Amazon).

Lets go back to RDF in the years 2010 - 2015 

You probably know what semantic web, owl, rdf, machine readable & understandable data are, right?

If not, then here is a little bit of reading:

What does 'going back in time' mean in a large scope and broader sense?

Before all the new trends, there was an attempt to realize semantic web, e.g. RDF as an XML extension with semantic machine-understandable properties.

When we as human beeings read a website or analyze BIG data, we automatically recognize the context, perhaps the meaning and probably the significance of this data.

Machines can't do that, they didn't have a semantic understanding until now.

Information theory distinguishes between 3 levels of information:

  1. Syntax level (compiler construction, scanner, parser, automata & formal languages, extended grammar, e.g.
  2. Semantic level (meaningful reading by people, putting things into context, understanding contexts).
  3. Pragmatic level (goal-oriented action based on information by recognizing the meaning at the level of semantics).

I assume / postulate:

=> If computer programs reach 2. semantic level => then we are a big step closer to AI realization.

Why computer programs can't already implement semantic understandig? 

Theoretically and also practically in terms of technical frameworks, computer programs are already able to understand semantically data.

The concrete problem is here, that too little data are provided in a semantically machine-readable form and a standardized (META-)language.

Example: Regardless of whether Statistics Austria, Open Data GV or ECB, etc, certainly provide very good statistics, but none of them provide semantic machine-readable data.

Somebody has to make here a  larger startup, to transform already provided common and needed statistics public data in semantically machine-readable form.

What does that actually bring in return of short time invest?

Not so much immediately!

What could be the fruits in mid-term or in the long tail?

A lot, because when more and more public open data are availible in a semantic machine readable language, programs can also bring some of them in association and we'll be able to implement meta relational AI rules then.

Use case contracts

Semantic programs doesn't only mean mass data fetching and putting them into relation. 
Semantic programming could also in principle support any very formal business process, e.g. contract management for

  • employment contracts
  • supply contracts
  • service provider contracts
  • insurance contracts
  • bank contracts 
  • and all the contracts that people sign with just one click on a checkbox (which they usually do not know that this is a legal contract consent).

All clear and understandable so far?

I got this idea when I was looking and inspecting the adopted amendment to the laws and newly passed laws by the democratic republic of Austria and I wanted some semantic automated statistics for some use cases. 

For details look at post
or read the post copy below: