- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


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html uft-8 symbol generation shell script

I wrote tonight a short uft-8 html escapes generating shell script,
see script generated results here:
# generates uft-8 symbol html reference



printf "<html>\n<head><title>utf-8 symbol></title></head>\n<body>\n\t<h1>UTF-8 Symbols</h1>\n\t<div><span>\n" > $outtext

while [ $shx -lt 16384 ] ; do

        modZero=$(echo "$shx % $modHex" | bc)
        if [ $modZero -eq 0 ] ; then
                printf "\n<h2>hex x%x ~ dec %d</h2>\n" $shx $shx >> $outtext
                printf "\n<pre>symbol\thex x%x \tdecimal %d \t.\n" $shx $shx >> $outtext

        printf "&#x%x;\t&#x%x;\t&#%d;\t.\n" $shx $shx $shx  >> $outtext

        modFF=$(echo "$shx % $modHex" | bc)
        if [ $modFF -eq 255 ] ; then
                printf "</pre>\n" >> $outtext

    shx=$(echo "$shx + 1" | bc);

printf "\n\t<hr />\n\t</span></div></body></html>\n" >> $outtext

see full script at


Danger of huge monopolisation and checks and balances to keep up a living strong democracy


Monolopy (Conspiracy theory warning)

In mercantilism owning and potentially using a monopoly was considered as tactical advantage. Think about it, that China soonly has a monopoly on a lot of industrial products, but most of China's hardware exoported have an american, south korean or japanse label. 

When there might be a common closed source smart phone. personal computer or smart phone with only one operating system with market dominance over 90%, then we might run into a trap.

If later then, disassembling, reversing engineering is punished with high penalties and international legal claims, then social credit program can be introduced step by step by backdoor.

If your social credit is negative, then you might not have all functions enabled (on your monopoly phone or monopoly personal computer) (THIS MIGHT BE VERY DANGEROUS)

Attention, Huawei, Chinas biggest smart-phone brand and ready to soonly be main player also in african markets, is still android and open based on open source linux and I don't claim, that China will use such practices. But there is no guarantee, that US or Chinese companies would develop or exrend their powers to collect more data or control more individuals in entire world by monitoring them permanently. 
In open system, you can choose a other os to install on every hardware. I remember, that Sony Playstation implemented an other OS bootloader, where you could run linux on it. The community demanded it. Today no one tries to recommand LineageOS compatbility on Smart-Phone hardware.

Balances & checks for free democracies

Freedom of media index

Multiple independant print & internet media or different media blocks. +1

Fact-Checking in more serious media. +0,5

Double Fact checking, interviewing all stakeholders. +0,5

Different TV stations and radio stations in country.. +1

Access to satellite tv or streamed news in internet +1

Access to different ISPs. foreign western Proxy Services, entire Internet and Tor Onion Router +1

Possibility to blog, moderate in blogs and internet media and not permanently censhorship (censorship, when hawkishing a little bit to much for hours until 1 week is OK). +1

Possibility to report over public events in blogs, media, internet media like X or Facebook, you need special permission and agreement from company, private person and NGO, when reporting inside over companies, NGOs, military and private persons private sphere (concerning e.g. product placement, innovations, sexuality or belief). +1

Tolerate whistleblowing like in the US, when reporting over complicated human rights violences of foreign troops in war. +0,5

Storry telling, conspiracy theories and narratives are marked with a recognizable symbole, e.g. +0,5

Civil & business & companies rights

9 basic points

The word church in follwoing could also mean shrine, temple, stone circle, lgbt community or any religious monoment or place.

Freedom of assembly (if missing -4)

  • Right for workers to join a labor union or representation of employees.
  • Right for companies to join a free foundation or trade guild.  

  • Right to join a religious community or free church (no hierachically bottom up grassroot foundate non state church).

Freedom of speach, freedom of art and freedom of posts without state sanctions (exception national socialists content, radical djihadist content, stalinist content in some countries)   (if missing -4)

Right to work self choosen and startup again after phase of unemployment. Right to work no matter what in company, NGO as free artist, freelancer, whatever ... (for some non free profession, like medical doctor or train man you need a special prooved certificate or degree) (if missing -4)

Right to found, own, buy (part of) a company or poperty, right to own stock market values, money, gold, derivates, freedom to choose bank and payment provider and freedom of trade  (Excpet US patriot act or sanctions against countries as US ally) (if missing -5)

Right for worker to leave company (inside a certain time period, normally 0-3 months) when getting a better offer without extreme high penality for joining another company. Right for companies to hire & fire women & men inside a certain time period (normally 0-3 months). (if missing -4)

Right to vote, right to protest and right to access basic state services for every citizen. (if missing -4)

Freedom of operating system, freedom to choose between open & closed source and freedom to develop after a free choosen license, e.g. BSD, Apache, GNU, MIT, closed source). (if missing -4
(Standardized licenses for paying and billing closed source, 3-10 categories would be nice, like renting software as a service like office 365, paying a cloud provider on network and CPU and storage using, installing a software and paying for year a guaranteed support, ...)

Right on abortion, if both mother & father agree to it, because otherwise they would be slaves, owned by a landlord in law. Free citizens should have that right. Don't bring slavery back to US. (if missing -5)

Right to have a own sexuality, freedom for adults to have sex if both agree (maybe after rules of their church), right to marriage (maybe after rules of a church or federal state). (if missing -3)

Right to adopt non adult childs, if parents or next familiars (if parents death) of children agree to it and have a permanently visiting right at least all 2 weeks. Maybe a free NGO check is needed, that this is good too. (if missing -3)

Non discrimination rights and possibility to protest against it or go to an independant court. 
(In private companies I saw and experienced discrimination very rarley, but at civil services or police or public high schools, this is happening some times).  (if missing -2

Right of an independent and fair judgement (maybe right to have a second independant judge, if court is politically motivated).  Right of comparison between companies or private persons (both agree that one pays the other a fee of 100US$ of causing pain per day) (if missing -3

Right to wear waepons for veterans (who served at national army with locked and loaded waepons).  (if missing -1

Right for people over 16 to drive a car, ride a byke, bicycle (maybe a confirmed license is needed, horse, donkey, drink whiskey (of course not when riding or driving a vehicle) and smoking natural herbs, tobaco (but no opiods). (Maybe the right of your church doesn't allow some parts).  (if missing -2

Right to have a save and proper enviroment: State can ban bear, wolfes or elephant hunts or shutting birds or using animals for bio-nano technolgy experiments.  (if missing -2

Denied: Experiments with human beeings without their agreement (signed and 3rd party validated) (like milkram experiment) is forbidden. Long time studies of human beeings. (if missing -4

Right to access independent technology to scan your genom and verify children and parents, if they agree. (if missing -2

Social rights:

(For Europe, Great-Britain. Brazil and ???): Right of small social security (at least 1000US$ per month), if you get unemployed or need assistence.  (if missing -3) (State money transfer over 150.000 US$ per year without doing anything is strictly forbidden. Excluded: Fees from private companies as a free services for long employment, excellent performance or great innovation or great ad value).

Right for every cirtizen to access as citizen public libraries with internet access with a legitimated identifying card.

Right to repair wikipedia, right of elected assembly to transfer special money to some urgently needed NGO task forces, like open source foundation, wikipedia, ...

Right for jobless people to getting courses to be ready for a new job, where they are only 40% - 80% qualified and not enough fit 4 work.

To be continued ...


Great ipv6 news from austrian mobile networks

Great ipv6 news from austrian mobile networks

Allmost all mobile providers in Austria implemented ipv6 protocol for 3G/4G/5G mobile net. 
When running ifconfig inside an android terminal, you can see, if ipv6 is already enabled at your device.

I tried to ping6 my little amazon server and ping6 over icmp succeeded. 

When pinging6 from android, I started a tcpdump on my little amazon server in Oregon, to see if packets are coming well through.
Then, I tried to ping6 in the opposite direction and was so delighted. that the icmp6 ping6 from amazon subnet in Oregon passed without routing or netfilter blocking problems to my android device.

I was courious, if a service broker from the internet could reach a server socket on my android, so I installed Simple HTTP Server:

I tested my local android device http server successfully by using curl, wget, lynx and a test once from Tor Onion Router.
You can use of course another http fs server, like:


Franz Kafka - eine düstere Vorahnung? [Draft]

Bisher wurde das Wirken und Schaffen der Literatur von Franz Kafka rein nur auf mögliche Krankheiten, Persönlichkeit, das Verhältnis zu seinem Vater, den kulturellen Kontext seines Umfeld oder die albtraumhafte Bürokratie der K.& K. Monarchie psychologisiert.
Ich behaupte, dass möglicherweise eine düstere Vorahnung der Schrecken des Holocaust (siehe auch griechische Göttin Kassandra) in seinen Romanen sich manifestierten.

Die Verwandlung

Die unfreiwillige Metamorphose des tüchtigen Mannes Gregor Samsa in einen Käfer, der zuerst viele ernährte, den die Ernährten abschoben, alsbald er nicht mehr arbeitsfähig war, und gleichzeitig selbst erhaltende Berufstätigkeit fanden. ⟹ 

Interpretation: Vorahnung der unfreiwilligen Abschiebung in die Konzentrationslager.

Der Prozeß

Die Verhaftung des Prokuristen einer Bank Josef K. aus heiterem Himmel, weitere Verdächtigungen, Vor-Verurteilung durch sozial-psycholgische Einschätzung von Untergebenen in der Bank und letztendliche grausame Exekution. ⟹ 

Interpretation: Bei der Verhaftung passiert Josef K. relativ wenig, er wird jediglich davon informiert, dass er jetzt verhaftet wird. Personen wie der Prügler, die rein fiktiv zur Zeit der Monarchie waren, könnten eine Vorahnung auf SA & SS gewesen sein. Das Gericht, dass eher einem Schmierentheater gleicht, als einem hohen Gericht ist ein Hinweis auf die Arier Gesetzgebung und die Urteile während des NS-Regimes. Die grausame Exekution von Josef K. ohne offiziellen Henker oder rechtliche Formalität war zu keiner Epoche unseres europäischen Kulturraum üblich und deutet eine Vorahnung auf Ermorden ohne Information an die Öffentlichkeit und ohne institutionelle Todesstrafe durch Henker hin.


Der einzig positive Roman von Franz Kafka. [...] ⟹ 

Interpretation: Die Schrecken des NS-Regime und Hitler-Stalin Packt wurden nur durch Kriegsbeteiligung der vereinigten Staaten von Amerika beendet. Deswegen endet die Geschichte "Amerika" als einzige positiv trotz vieler Wirrungen.


Ich laß den Roman nie fertig und muss mir noch eine kurze Zusammenfassung organisieren.[...] ⟹ 

Interpretation: [...]

Das Urteil

Georg Bendemann, Sohn eines Kaufmanns, verlobt und kurz vor der Heirat stehend, korrespondiert brieflich mit seinem – aus seiner Sicht – glücklosen Freund in Petersburg. Der Vater wirft Georg vor, die Leitung des Geschäftes an sich gerissen und eine nicht ehrenhafte Verlobte gewählt zu haben, außerdem den Freund aus St. Petersburg als Sohn und Vertrauten angenommen zu haben. Der Vater beendet die Auseinandersetzung mit den Worten: „Ich verurteile dich jetzt zum Tode des Ertrinkens!“ ⟹ 

Interpretation: Vorahnung auf den Hitler Stalin Packt. Der Vater Staat (k&k Monarchie) in der Juden gleichbehandelt wie bürgerliche Christen Chancen und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten vorfanden wird zum grausamen Scharfrichter, der Stalinisten vertraut und als Söhne annimmt und bürgerliche Juden zum Tode verurteilt.

Achtung: Diese von mir aufgestellte These ist nur eine vage Hypothese.
Der Holocaust und die Schreckensherrschaft des NS-Regimes ist und bleibt eines der grausamsten Verbrechen der Menschheitsgeschichte.


Linux v6.7-rc8 kernel compiled today

Today, when I waked up before the new year, I downloaded the newest linux v6.7-rc8 kernel, made a classic menuconfig and readed a bit kernel documentation, before compiling the kernel.

processor types and features


processor support (new) 

Those new x86 based processor types are now experimental (beside AMD & Intel) supported by latest linux kernel:


Draft: Gender, sex, family and (absence of) birth of children might be strong implicit forces on a society

Draft (will become in 1 week an article)

Preamble gender, sex, family issue appeared

Gender studies with left spin

In Austria as well as in some other parts of the western world, gender theme were occupied by political left wing people and gender studies became to a only female emanzipational propaganda and transgender, lesbian, gay, bisexual tolerance issue, without knowledge what's really inside the box of the Pandora.

Right wing and conservative people became angry about that in the past and claimed, that the christian, classic, muslim (traditionl) family values and classic marriage became thereby underminded.
I for my part think, that this argument from the right wing contained a lot of bullshit and hate against minority groups, because LGTB people are very rarley and still a little minority in society and never ever have that huge impact (like the jews never had a huge implact at Weimar Republic in germany).
Well some people pour oil in the fire of anger in social discussion and outed a lot of provocating hate speach, even when they were rich and married. [...]
But, there is a mostley invisible but existing pressure on right conservative traditional people, that they feel and realize, that they suddenly have less chances to get into a realationship or found a family and claim, that's only the result of medial focus on leftist gender issue and the absence of traditional values.
Some traditional thinking people had surley a lot of frustration, because of fewer opportunities for relationships and family founding (either real or imaginary).
On change from elected left governments (like US Democrats, Kemalists, Social Democrats) to right conservative elected governements (Donald Trump GOP, people's parties in Europe), many gender studies, univeristies were closed or not more budgeted well in some parts of the western world.

I for me part think, that dividing the topic of gender, sex, familiy and into 2 parts (academic gender studies & traditional religion or folk wisdom) was an essential huge mistake.
I would suggest a field of study that deals with interpersonal relationships in general, sexual relationships, marriage and family in general and that's at least popular academic.
Interpersonal relationships between men and women and too few child births often have much more implications for the economy, society, politics and the future than previously assumed, but not appear clearly and mostley are marked taboo.
e.g. the birth of too few Chinese girls meaned in the past that young Chinese men often had to find a marriageable woman in the near abroad with some expenditure & costs of money.

Restrictions on both might be the reason of social pressure, suffer and anger

I think, that for many classic traditional people founding a family became more complicated as it was in the past and admitting to an alternative sexuality too, but that it has nothing at all to do with the oposite society spectrum. Entering in a relationship and human reproduction became for some parts of western society more difficult.
family clipart under creative commons license: [ bing | duckduckgo | darkduckoniongoogleyahoo ]

Different point of views and models of needs of human individuals and society

Many models of human needs and society needs came out from a specific point of view and also might have been statistically evidence based only at their epoche (>90% positive of sample base/range; sample quantity 0.5% - 2.5% of society).

Maslow's hierarchy (case study)

I'm sure, that the Maslow pyramid of needs matches for most human societies at the level 1 - 4 (physiological, safety, love and social and esteem) pretty sure for allmost all members of society [...]
Hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow

A claimed needs for succeeding model by me

Attention, I draw today a model of needs for succeeding out of my mind, but it's common sense and generally opinion of the zeitgeist of many teachers and chamber people between 1980 - 2010 in Europe.
Everybody would claim that model immediately as true or matching, even if it has no statistical evidence at all, neither only a little sample interview based questioning range.
(Remind that, agreeeing to a model and matching inside the model might be two different things, I can strongly agree to a model rationally, but I might not match inside the model).

The old conservative rule "You must have first a good payed job" ⟹ "then found a family" often became ironic in our dynamically changing times.
  • [IronyOn]
  • People with good jobs don't have any time to find opportunities to get to together with nice young man / woman, because they mostley work a lot. (only coming together inside the company is possible, but's that's not estimated / wished by compliance or share holder interest).
  • Jobless people have a lot of time, which is never spended 100% to find a new job. So they have possibilities to go out and meet someone, but very conservative relatives (mum & dad) or close friends don't like it and often make strong opinion campaign against coming together with unemployed people.
  • Coming together at highscool, collegue or university might be chance, but conservative relatives (mum & dad) or close friends claimed a new rule before marriage: "Better at the time, when both work", so after finding a job after education, she lives in Chicago and he in Seattle Washington and then it's over with family founding.
  • There are even many more traps in some radical modern marriage codices, like 
    "When he becomes unemployed for one year" ⟹ "then divorce".
    Most partners know, if the loved person is strongly affected to cancel culture or it's only for some time difficult to get a new jobs and then he/she/it restarts.
    There might be also the opposite rule at some very radical following directive "thou must serve more the family then the boss, who pays you big fat money & ice-cream" communities:
    "When he works too much and don't have any time for you during one year"
    ⟹ "then divorce"
  • [/IronyOff]